번호 제목 작성자 조회 수 등록일
438 20220315_이유지_Single-Cell Transcriptomics of Human and Mouse Lung Cancers Reve... Admin 96 2022-03-12
437 20220302_남기리_Tfh-cell-derived interleukin 21 sustains effector CD8+ T cell ... Admin 101 2022-03-02
436 20220222_장한나_Interleukin-10 receptor signaling promotes the maintenance of a ... Admin 97 2022-02-20
435 20220214_김우진_IFNγ and GM-CSF control complementary differentiation programs... Admin 87 2022-02-14
434 20220125_남기리_Type I interferon activates MHC class I-dressed CD11b+ conven... Admin 125 2022-01-24
433 20220118_장한나_Regulation of antitumour CD8 T-cell immunity and checkpoint bloc... Admin 98 2022-01-19
432 20211228_김우진_CXCR6 positions cytotoxic T cells to receive critical surviv... Admin 106 2021-12-27
431 20211218_남기리_CXCL10 chemokine regulates heterogeneity of the CD8+ T cell r... Admin 94 2021-12-18
430 20211130_장한나_Neuropilin-1 is a T cell memory checkpoint limiting long-term a... Admin 102 2021-11-29
429 20211116_김우진_Conventional type I dendritic cells maintain a reservoir of ... Admin 102 2021-11-15
428 20211023_남기리_Microbiota triggers STING-type I IFN-dependent monocyte repro... Admin 101 2021-10-23
427 20211019_장한나_Control of Regulatory T Cell Development by the Transcriptio... Admin 142 2021-10-18
426 20211005_김우진_Lung dendritic cells migrate to the spleen to prime long-lived... Admin 136 2021-10-18
425 20210928_남기리_Epigenetic scarring of exhausted T cells hinders memory differe... Admin 90 2021-10-18
424 20210803_구영빈_Tumour cell CD99 regulates transendothelial migration via CDC42 a... Admin 162 2021-07-31
423 20210727_장한나_Adaptive plasticity of IL-10+ and IL-35+ Treg cells cooperative... Admin 139 2021-07-26
422 20210713_김우진_Chronic TLR7 and TLR9 signaling drives anemia via differentia... Admin 150 2021-07-12
421 20210706_남기리_Metabolic reprogramming of terminally exhausted CD8+ T cells by ... Admin 156 2021-07-05
420 20200608_김우진_Squalene emulsion-based vaccine adjuvants stimulate CD8 T cell, but... Admin 172 2021-06-07
419 20210525_장한나_Adenomatous Polyposis Coli Modulates Actin and Microtubule Cyto... Admin 136 2021-05-22
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