번호 제목 작성자 조회 수 등록일
498 20240116_남기리_Fate-Mapping of GM-CSF Expression Identifies a Discrete Subset ... file EYCLAB 65 2024-01-12
497 20240109_김윤완_Myeloid-like B cells boost emergency myelopoiesis file EYCLAB 51 2024-01-07
496 20240106_Acquisition of suppressive function by conventional T cells limits ... file EYCLAB 68 2024-01-04
495 20231223_정우경_Emergence and fate of stem cell–like Tcf7+ CD8+ T cells durin... file EYCLAB 55 2023-12-23
494 20231226_김우진_Identification of DC precursor from the CD11c+ cells express... file EYCLAB 55 2023-12-20
493 20231219_김우진_GM-CSF produces a splenic subset of monoDCs that efficiently ... file EYCLAB 52 2023-12-20
492 20231209_Mitochondria-ER contact mediated by MFN2-SERCA2 interaction support... file EYCLAB 61 2023-12-09
491 20231128_정우경_Characteristics and anatomic location of PD-1+ TCF1+ stem-like C... file EYCLAB 51 2023-12-02
490 20231125_김우진_CD40 signal rewires fatty acid and glutamine metabolism for Mac ... file EYCLAB 62 2023-11-28
489 BCL6 promotes a stem-like CD8+ T cell program in cancer via antagonizing BLI... file EYCLAB 81 2023-11-11
488 20231114_김윤완_Tumor-associated macrophages expressing the transcription factor IR... file EYCLAB 60 2023-11-10
487 20231107_장한나_Sustained CD28 costimulation is required for selfrenewal and di... file EYCLAB 76 2023-11-04
486 20231028_남기리_The β1-adrenergic receptor links sympathetic nerves to T cell ... file EYCLAB 70 2023-10-26
485 20231014_Reductive carboxylation epigenetically instructs T cell differentiatio... file EYCLAB 68 2023-10-16
484 20230920_김우진_TCR-independent CD137(4-1BB) signaling promotes CD8Tex prolife... file EYCLAB 69 2023-09-19
483 20230902_김윤완_PD-1 blockade increases the self-renewal of stem-like CD8 T cel... file EYCLAB 81 2023-09-05
482 20230823_남기리_Dendritic cell type 3 arises from Ly6C+ monocytedendritic cel... file EYCLAB 74 2023-08-22
481 20230805_장한나_Synapse-tuned CARs enhance immune cell anti-tumor activity file EYCLAB 59 2023-08-19
480 20230822_정우경_STAT3 regulates CD8 T cell differentiation and functions in ... file EYCLAB 81 2023-08-18
479 20230725_김우진_Lymph node medulla regulates the spatiotemporal unfolding of resid... file EYCLAB 76 2023-07-25
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